Paul's Passing Thoughts

Albert Mohler: “Christians” Retain Their Salvation by Sitting Under Pastoral Preaching

Posted in Uncategorized by Paul M. Dohse Sr. on October 16, 2015

Mohler 4This ministry has documented extensively through the words of Protestant evangelical pundits what the true soteriology of authentic Protestantism is: it is the false gospel of progressive justification. One is saved through the institutional church and its hierarchical priesthood, and then must remain faithful to the institution and its “means of grace” in order to retain salvation. Though evangelicals vehemently deny salvation by church membership, the facts are irrefutable.

Let’s review the major tenets of this false gospel propagated by Protestants and their many offshoots such as Baptists etc. Though they claim salvation by new birth, the biblical definition is denied. In contrast to the biblical definition, justification is a mere “forensic declaration.” Instead of the saint being literally made righteous, they are only declared righteous. This attempts to reconcile their error concerning law and gospel.

In the soteriology of Protestantism, the law only has one purpose instead of two: it only serves to show one’s sin.1 Therefore, the law is justification’s standard. Hence, the simple biblical concept of justification being apart from the law is totally missed.2 Now more error must be added to cover for the fundamental error: their definition of justification as a legal declaration. Now, the law is unwittingly added as something that can give life.3 And since it is seated on a throne beside God and the Son, “its righteous demands must be continually fulfilled.” This necessarily requires even more error: the idea that Christ not only died for our sins, but that He also lived a perfect life in obedience to the law so that His obedience can be continually imputed to the law in the believer’s stead. This is known as “double imputation.”

Enter even more error. Since justification is only a legal declaration and didn’t put the old us to death through Spirit baptism, and we are therefore still under the law’s condemnation instead of Christ’s death ending that aspect of the law, our sins are only COVERED and not ENDED which means continued imputation of Christ’s death and righteousness is needed. However, we don’t need Christ’s obedience to the law imputed to us in order to keep us saved because we were made righteousness in being resurrected with Him4—also in Spirit baptism. This frees us from all condemnation under the law and frees us to serve according to the positive aspects of the law…love.5

And consequently due to this error, “saints” only remain covered by double imputation through faithfulness to the institutional church and its “means of grace” or what really boils down to means of continued salvation.6 These “means of grace” can only be found in the institutional church, and there are many, but one is the hearing of pastoral preaching. Faith comes by hearing the word of God, we know that, but in context of Protestantism, that’s an ongoing need that is only found in the institutional church. If we don’t continually hear the word from those “under the authority of the church” we lose our faith and subsequently our salvation.

In the following video link,  Albert Mohler expresses these ideas starting at mark 1:14:00. Yes, he throws in some red herrings in regard to individual study of the word, but take note towards the end regarding his statement that salvation is for the lost as well as the saved. In other words, the “saved” need continued means of salvation that can only be found in the church. This ministry has documented many statements by evangelical leaders plainly stating that Christians continue to need salvation. Where the confusion often comes in is with the citation of verses referring to the saving of the mortal body, viz, redemption which is NOT salvation in the justification sense. Both only happen once.


1Romans 8:2

2Romans 3:21

3Galatians 3

4Romans 5 and 6

5Romans 7 and Galatians 5:6

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