Paul's Passing Thoughts

Anthropomorphism: What’s in a Word?

Posted in Uncategorized by Paul M. Dohse Sr. on February 23, 2020

Cover 2Excerpt from first draft.

“The Fandom is made up of those who have a mutual interest in anthropomorphic art.” That’s an interesting admission. What’s in a word? With the word “anthropomorphism,” a trainload of baggage. Again, art that attributes human characteristics to inhuman objects (machines, etc.), and animals, have a way of captivating attention and projecting healthy ideas, especially regarding children. Who can criticize The Little Engine That Could and the valuable lesson of never giving up projected to children by that anthropomorphic narrative?

Anthropomorphic art has a long and deep history of captivating the attention of children for the assimilation of healthy ideas to the degree that the brand name has become the product. A wound bandage is not a Band-Aide, that’s a brand name, but it is a brand that has become so familiar that the trade name has replaced the formal identification. People rarely call Tylenol, acetaminophen. People rarely call Tums, calcium carbonate, if ever.

This is exactly how the Fandom utilizes what anthropomorphism has become over the years. Anthropomorphism is one of the few examples of something inherently evil used for good. The Fandom taps into the dark elements of anthropomorphism to vie its trade under cover of the trade name it has become: “cartoons,” “funny animals,” etc.

The following is a reality: art is a buffer between objective reality and ideas. That is, art in all its genres. Something that a human creates on paper or in a narrative is not something that happens, so it is not counted as something that needs to be addressed. Having an imagination is against no law, and even if it was, it can’t be enforced. At least in an open society, the projection of ideas is not against the law. In a closed society, mental health is determined by a person’s ability to contribute to the state because collectivism presupposes that all purpose is found in sacrificing self for the greater good of society. Of course, as determined by the state. Hence, a closed society will dismiss concerns about many moral issues and their connection to personal happiness.

This is stated to make the following point: art is a powerful weapon in obtaining objectives because ideas are what drive actions happening in real-time. However, humanity is primarily concerned with what happens and less concerned with ideas. Many are indifferent to politics, while precious view are indifferent to an open revolution in the streets.

Suffice to say, art and comedy get a pass for being an action of major concern. The Fandom not only utilizes that general principle, but the brand name now associated with anthropomorphic art, while utilizing the dark side of this art to fulfill its agenda. We now address the dark side of anthropomorphism and its specific uses by the Fandom. If you take, collectively, what has been stated thus far, you can know what happens among Fandom participants will always be chalked up to a few bad apples while furries point to the harmlessness of funny animals. Yes, it’s all about the funny animals and not the few bad apples that every basket has followed by the haters. It’s “fursecution.”

A centerpiece of Fandom propaganda is the idea that the Fandom is helplessly misunderstood, and any attempts to plead the case is a fool’s errand. Many Fandom conferences ban the media, and conference organizers have banned some from attending conferences for talking to the press or participating in interviews. Yes, there is even an arrogance attached to this aloofness that deems the “mundanes” or the fully human as having an innate inability to understand the spiritual prowess of the Fandom. Certainly, there is a sense in which the Fandom is a sect, but in this case, it is more of a cult. That is, a cult that utilizes the dark history of anthropomorphism.

First, regarding the heaviest baggage, anthropomorphism is the oldest religion on earth. Many will protest that Hinduism is the oldest religion on earth, and very well, but Hinduism is based on anthropomorphism. Does the Fandom utilize anthropomorphism for religious purposes? It most certainly does. A primary focus of this book is the foundation the Fandom has been built on. And, what was the intent of its two founders, Mark Merlino and his partner, Rod O’Riley? Thirdly, does the present behavior of the Fandom reflect the foundation it was built on?

In previous chapters, the attempted reformation of the Fandom by the Burnt Furs, attempts directed squarely at Mark Merlino, reveal in vivid detail the beginning characteristics of the Fandom. Merlino passively or actively condoned all the characteristics protested against. As documented in the Burnt Fur manifesto, a New Age-like anthropomorphic spirituality was prevalent in the movement and is even more prevalent today. Furries routinely refer to their true identities being found in an animal. As noted in psychological studies that will be looked at closer in this book, the goal is not to become an animal, but to incorporate more and more animalism into the humanity of furries. This is because animals are not all hung-up on human barriers. Beagles relieve themselves on fire hydrants in front of all without giving it a second thought. If a beagle wants to mate with a poodle in someone’s front yard, the pair give the desire no second thought. Gee, if only humans were like that. After all, look at how hung-up we are about many things resulting in unnecessary expenditures for things like bathrooms. Humans spend a lot of money to prevent indiscretions; otherwise known as “hang-ups,” and being “overly serious.”

The list on this perspective can go on and on. Dog’s are man’s best friend and infinitely loyal. Pets never argue with you, and we can even speak for them with no protest by the pet. If only humans were more like that. This is where there is a fine line between philosophy and religion; anthropomorphism, in its most ancient forms, was a rejection of the human race. What better way to reject humanity than ascribing to being more like an animal? Biblicists point to the Apostle Paul’s indictment of humanity at its earliest stages: “they worshiped the creature instead of the creator.” We are speaking to an anti-humanity ideology. Remember, anthropomorphism personifies nonhuman objects, which includes animals, but does not exclude any nonhuman objects like trees, rocks, water, and clouds. People who worship trees are not nuts, they just think trees are better than humans, and if God created humans, He couldn’t be much better. Hatred for humanity will find a contending meaning in anything but humanity. After all, what else is there in the material world? The extreme depends on the degree of disdain. Never underestimate the power of preference and what one will do in choosing it.

As noted earlier in this book, the first fanzines of the Fandom were the Vootie APAs. Their stated manifesto was very clear: “No humans (or human logic) allowed.” Characteristics of the Fandom’s beginning followed as detailed by the Burned Furs: any behavior considered abnormal by society at large was vigorously pursued by furries including plushophilia (sex with stuffed animals), zoophilia (bestiality), necrophilia (sex with a corpse), and a list of behaviors becoming and unbecoming of animals who don’t typically masturbate in elevators. Countercultures are such because humans are responsible for culture.

One writer noted:

Think about it. Could it possibly get any more stupid (or any more evil) than a living human being opposing life itself? Just on its own ground, ignoring for the moment any possible underlying ulterior motive or evil intent, any human being believing that living human beings are evil and should be destroyed should be recognized at once as absolutely insane.

But it is not. And that is the world’s most pressing cultural problem.

Bill and Melinda Gates have spent tens of billions of dollars on Human Control programs, all with nice-sounding names, all of which have the world “Health” in them, and “improving the quality of life” propaganda describing them. But they are, beneath it all, human control programs, pure and simple. In their spending to destroy humanity, the Gates have made even the trail-blazing fellow anti-human Rockefellers look like small-time pikers.

But, at least some reasons or motives can be cited for embracing anti-humanity ideologies and participating in anti-humanity countercultures. Often, these are venues where people can practice the fulfillment of desires unacceptable to society at large. Undoubtedly, many who joined ISIS under the banner of being converted to Islam were merely psychopaths who wanted to be part of a venue where they could execute their desires. Religion was merely a cover for doing so. In addition, having a wife slave or more than one wife slave was a perk to boot. There is the fulfillment of the principle evil desire and the residual evil desires as well. Seemingly, to a psychopath, at least initially, a win-win situation. Are movements venues for practicing evil desires that have a logical excuse connected to the ideology of the movement? It’s likely more than not.

As brilliantly articulated by Prager U., we have another likely catalyst for anti-human ideology. Often, people are zealous for “pseudo moralistic causes” to divert from the responsibility of bettering themselves or dealing with their own demons. Extreme environmentalism, the issue in which Prager U. addressed this mindset, is a kissing cousin to anti-humanity ideology. If humanity is horrible, and the principal cause of all woes, one is excused from every personal responsibility; especially since humans cannot help it that they are human.

However, they can partake in the paramount experience of virtue; i.e., disavowing humanity. Be sure of this: those of this ideology are always arrogant because they deem themselves morally superior for rejecting humanity.

In prior chapters, the Cult of Childhood (Peter Pan Syndrome) was addressed. If humanity and the human experience are evil, then obviously, what little virtue humanity has is diminished with age and human experience. The question is, does Peter Pan Syndrome follow anti-humanity logic, or do people adhere to anti-humanity ideology because it’s an excuse for not grow up? Both, with the latter being more prevalent. Chapter 8 will match present-day behavior in the Fandom with its beginning ideology.

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