Paul's Passing Thoughts

So, What’s Up With All of This “I Didn’t Do It, God Did It” Stuff?

Posted in Uncategorized by Paul M. Dohse Sr. on March 24, 2019

ppt-jpeg4One experiences many confusing things at church, but perhaps the most well traveled road of confusion is people dong stuff that they really didn’t do, God did it. Like the head coach of Clemson football, yesterday, the coach of Liberty’s basketball team gave “all the glory to God” because they didn’t really win the game, God did, because of their “Christ-centered program.”

Truly, there is no religion on earth less self-aware than Protestantism. They are so utterly clueless in regard to their own confessions that any religion, cult, or militant group should be commended for simply understanding what they really believe. Moreover, no one is better than Protestant scholars at dressing themselves up as the epitome of academic acumen. To watch the likes of John MacArthur Jr. and others at conference Q and A sessions present themselves the way they do is absolutely stunning when you realize how clueless they are.

Few Protestants, if any, understand why they do or say anything. So, why do they say God did something they clearly did? I will explain. It starts with something the Liberty coach said while not really knowing what it means like all things Protestants say. “Christ-centered,” is a term that encompasses a vast body of Martin Luther’s metaphysics. While Protestants hail Luther as their spiritual hero and father of their faith, and this includes Evangelicals and Lutherans alike, they are very slow to recognize that Luther was first and foremost a philosopher in Platonist disciplines. Christocentric metaphysics encompass Luther’s Theology of the Cross which was based primarily on Dualism.

We will begin by stating why Protestants say they didn’t do something that they did while not knowing why it is important for them to say it. Reason: if they claim they did something good, they, according to Luther’s Theology of the Cross, have denied the gospel and will consequently go to hell. Now, of course, in regard to that being the reason, the Protestant will protest, while stating that the purpose of the statement is to only give God all the glory. Sounds good, but that is NOT Protestant orthodoxy. If you ever want to know what Protestant orthodoxy is, never ask a Protestant because they don’t know (and the ones who do know are not going to be honest about it). However, we must remember that the talking points they don’t understand lead to a functionality that doesn’t match the intellectual confession, and that is fine with the Protestant industrial complex if not the outright goal.

So, how does this all work? In Luther’s metaphysics, reality is divided into two parts, or realms: 100% evil, and 100% good. Luther didn’t necessarily assign 100% evil to all of the material realm, but he certainly assigned it to humanity. In this metaphysical construct, humanity is both passive and active while the good is only active. What does this mean? In regard to humanity, it is actively evil and passive. When the human is active, only evil occurs, only evil can flow out of man whether lost or saved, but the human being also has a passive element. This passive element is like water. What do we know about water? It is passive; in other words, until it is acted upon by gravity, temperature, or wind (an active force outside of it), it just sits there and does nothing.

Hence, when a person does something good, it is only because their passive element was acted upon by God. Therefore, God did it, not you. When water freezes, the water didn’t do it, the temperature did. When water does the wave dance, the water isn’t doing it, the wind is. HOWEVER, keep in mind, all of this activity, whether passive or active, is experienced as if all of it is active. In other words, it is experiences as if the totally depraved humanoid did it actively.

Now let’s get a little bit deeper into Luther’s metaphysics and how this is experienced in reality. Don’t forget the key element to understanding all of this: EXPERIENCE. We will now mention contemporary lingo that refers to Luther’s Theology of the Cross: “Objective justification/righteousness experienced subjectively.” Good and evil are both objective, but humanity only experiences both subjectively. In other words, in the experience of the totally depraved individual, saved or lost, they cannot distinguish from the active or passive; they cannot distinguish between whether or not their actins are coming from within their own evil self, or whether their passive being is being acted upon by the good. In contemporary lingo, we also hear “The objective gospel outside of us.” All good remains outside of the individual, or Martin Luther’s “alien righteousness.”

Accordingly, Luther split up works this way: human: ALL evil with some of the works appearing as good. The invisible realm: ALL good. It is interesting to consider why Luther (and Calvin) rejected the notion that a human can do a good work: the law. Luther and Calvin both believed a human cannot keep any aspect of God’s law perfectly; hence, ANY act by ANY individual can only bring condemnation. In other words, perfect-law keeping is the standard for righteousness. This is an astonishing contradiction to the Bible which shows us a righteousness “apart from the law.” In the true gospel, mankind and true righteousness become one apart from the law as a result of the new birth. The new birth, according to the Bible, changes a true believer’s relationship to the law from something that can only condemn to something that can only reward. Luther and Calvin both rejected this idea and insisted on a single perspective on law and its sole purpose regarding condemnation.

Therefore, central to Luther’s soteriology based on his metaphysics (view of reality or humanity’s state of being), he coincided all of the aforementioned with a doctrine of mortal sin and venial sin. All venial sin is forgivable through the church’s “common means of grace” while there is only one mortal sin: the belief that humanity can do good works or anything else that would find merit with God as opposed to summary condemnation. This is the doctrine of total depravity. And this is why Protestants, though few realize it, are insistent on “giving all glory to God” and the “Glory to God alone” solas. This philosophy is also the foundation of the 5 Points of Calvinism.

Don’t misunderstand, there are some Protestant scholars who truly know what it’s all about. A few names would be DA Carson and Tim Keller. Some time ago, Tim Keller received pushback from the church at large for teaching that Christians need to repent of good works in order to remain saved. The amount of pushback he received is indicative of Protestant confusion as Keller’s assertion was merely sound Protestant orthodoxy. I would also say many of the neo-Calvinist teachers of our day understand what’s really going on like John Piper and Mark Dever. That’s the T4G, TGC, etc. bunch. This is why they drive many Evangelicals in the church at large nuts—because they don’t understand that the movement is a return to real church.

Just for giggles, and because I know our readers who are original/independent thinkers have some good questions, I am going to delve into this a little deeper with the help of Jonathan Edwards. In other words, I am going to delve deeper into how all of this supposedly works in real life. Let’s begin by defining what is saving faith according to Protestantism. “Faith” is merely an ability to perceive reality according to Luther’s metaphysical construct. Luther and Calvin both equated saving faith with agreement regarding their Platonist worldview, and pretty much stated such often. Anything perceived by the five senses is evil, including technology that would improve life. That knowledge is earthly and is dubbed “the glory story” (the story of man) as opposed to “the cross story” (the story of God and redemption) in Luther’s Theology of the Cross metaphysics. All empirical knowledge that improves life only accomplishes the following: is puffs man up and steals glory from God according to Luther. Accordingly, and supposedly, Christ primarily went to the cross to establish a lifestyle of suffering to obtain true knowledge as opposed to being part of establishing the new birth and ending the condemnation of the law. So, according to Jonathan Edwards, saving faith is a sixth sense that enables one to see the cross story apart from what the five senses perceive which is only evil (Martin Luther’s glory story).

Before any action, people think about it first, or the action is based upon a prior thought. Edwards taught that God was the author of the first thought that produced any good work. The mind of the individual is also actively evil and passive. Any idea that we have is evil, but any idea that comes from God’s action on the passive part of our humanity is good. But again, we have no way of distinguishing between the two because they are experienced by us in the same way, or as if the idea actually was originated by us. This is why Keller rightfully suggested that “Christians” pray to be forgiven of good works; that is, works that only appear to be good but aren’t because they didn’t come from God.

We can therefore close with the suggestion that sports coaches don’t necessarily have to give God all of the glory for winning a big game because winning a big game wouldn’t necessarily be classified as a good work. It might be more theologically correct to ask for forgiveness for winning the game and how winning puffs us up. Or, they could say this: “If we won this game, we ask for God’s forgiveness, but if it was his doing, we give Him all the glory. That would be the truth according to Protestant orthodoxy because life is subjective and the coach has no way of knowing whether God won the game or not.

God loves to win basketball games and football games…who knew?



12 Responses

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  1. Argo said, on March 24, 2019 at 7:59 PM

    Paul, because you wrote “there” when it should have been “their” I thus reject the entirety of your argument in this article, regardless of the fact that it was rationally consistent and otherwise well-stated.

    And by the way, I mention your mistake not because I lack any fundamental confidence in my own position, or am a thinly-closeted a-hole, but because God says that we should love one another. And pointing out all of someone’s completely irrelevant and clearly non-habitual errors is totally what God meant by that.


    • Paul M. Dohse Sr. said, on March 24, 2019 at 8:13 PM

      Thanks Argo, as a multitasker burning it at both ends and no paid staff to review and edit my stuff, there are going to be errors. I would also encourage other bloggers who get it to not back down as we are up against people with resources that we will never have. We have had volunteer editors before that also help administrate the blog and there will be others when the time comes.


      • Argo said, on March 24, 2019 at 8:19 PM

        I get it, Paul. I’ve been a solo blogger for 7 years and I don’t see having a staff anytime soon. Lol. I know you are busy…thanks for all your productivity despite!


  2. Republicanmother said, on March 24, 2019 at 10:17 PM

    Another great post! Pretty impressive material when your working a real out-in-the-world job (as opposed to sitting in an office living on tithe money) and going to school!

    I might add the progressive justification mindset also adds to this phenomenon. They sprinkle some Jesus on top of what they really want to do to “sanctify” it, and get some brownie points with God. I’ve always thought God was more impressed with helping individuals than moving balls across rectangles.


  3. Andy Young, PPT contributing editor said, on March 25, 2019 at 8:21 AM


  4. lydia00 said, on March 30, 2019 at 4:23 PM

    This stuff is everywhere. At the seeker Megas: “it’s a God thing”! ( this applies to healing, getting a better job, Finding the perfect dress on sale, finding the perfect dress on sale etc) they don’t mention God when bad things happen. The Calvinists do. And that made them so scary they have to reinvent themselves and start again every few hundred years.


  5. lydia00 said, on March 30, 2019 at 4:25 PM

    Another creepy protestant.


    • Paul M. Dohse Sr. said, on March 31, 2019 at 8:32 AM

      Pretending to be an advocate for freedom while seeking to take it away; everyone of these guys vote Democrat.


  6. lydia00 said, on April 1, 2019 at 6:55 AM

    Note how as a Christian, Wade posits it is MORE Christian to look to the afterlife than work to save freedom here and now for others who come after us. Wade has his finger in the air to see which way the wind is blowing and it’s blowing virtue signaling SJW. Not truth.


  7. Irina Kinders said, on April 16, 2019 at 8:41 PM

    I am happy I found your website.
    I was confused for a long time by preachers like Paul Washer. The very belief that it is possible
    to diminish God’s Glory by being sinless proves one has not had a full revelation of His Glory.
    It is astonishing how the Devil can trick people, who seem so close to The Truth, into basically saying that one should GLORY!! in one’s sin, as if the more depraved one was/is, the more God gains from it. What prevents one from living a life of horrific sin if one believes Christ glories in forgiving their filth? They are incapable of accepting that every sin DEFILES God, so they make up predestination to justify it all as something out of their control.

    There is nothing beautiful about The Cross. It’s a horrific thing that it was necessary. It is a horrific thing that Christ had to suffer for us. He suffered to set us free, not to enslave us in a new, ‘loving’ kind of way. I subject to God WILLINGLY. I heard Paul Washer say once that God’s love was like a whip to Him. I proudly carry my own whip, because I know Holy God would never enslave or hurt me in any way, even a ‘loving’ one, so I correct myself instead.


    • Andy Young, PPT contributing editor said, on April 17, 2019 at 7:44 AM


      Welcome, and thank you for your comments. So glad we are able to be an encouragement to you!


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