Paul's Passing Thoughts

The Protestant False Gospel Hits Close to Home

Posted in Uncategorized by Paul M. Dohse Sr. on May 27, 2018


This is a summary statement of the 30-minute video you have pulled down since you posted it the other day and is indicative of how you ended up where you are right now. This is why I cannot support Heather in coming back to you because you still don’t get it. This gets back to the pastor’s retreat I went to that you hosted in 2015. At that conference I confronted the 15-20 pastors who were there; and also confused about the gospel. Dismiss this out of hand if you will, and read on if you dare, but your very words, not mine, and the same words we hear often in the Baptist church, bring up very troublesome questions regarding what evangelicals believe about the new birth and using the Bible to love God and others.

Presently, in case you and others have been away on the moon for a while, even leading evangelicals such as Albert Mohler and the heir apparent to the SBC throne are admitting the church is in serious trouble and on the verge of full-scale collapse. Their reasons for this are errant: the real reason follows; we are seeing the fruits of a false gospel that is easily demonstrable by your very words in this post. Let us examine them, that is, your words, not mine.

On my own I am full of fear, on my own I am full of weakness, on my own I am full of pride, on my own I am completely lost.

But in you oh God I trust! In You I surrender my life and my will again this morning. Then and only then you take my fear and give me courage. You take my weakness and give me power. You take my pride and give me faith. You take all the chaos that they cause and give me perfect peace!

You take these ashes and bring beauty!

Thank you, Father, that when the chaos of my mind is overwhelming there is perfect clarity that will guide me through!

In the midst of all of the struggles let your still small voice be heard all the louder today in my heart and mind Lord Jesus! Do the same for all those who will read these words today. In Jesus name I pray. Amen!

1 Kings 19:11-13

Your statement here, one that plays well and often in the church, is a fundamental denial of the new birth. So, am I saying that everyone in the church believes a false gospel? Not exactly. For certain, many are lost, but many also function according to this false gospel while denying the unavoidable conclusions of the premise intellectually. In other words, they have not thought out the logical conclusions of the truisms, but unfortunately, function by them resulting in anemic Christian living.

Come now fellow pastors, let’s be honest; the church’s inability to get it together has baffled you for years. Come now, let’s face it; you wonder where the power for Christian living is and why churches go for years without seeing anybody get saved, and even when they do, they fall away at some point. By our very own admission, “10% of the people do 100% of the work.” We have gone from conference to conference, trend to trend, gimmick to gimmick, desperately looking for answers and to no avail. In fact, the church is worse now than it has ever been.

And unfortunately, all any pastor would need to do is start articulating justification by new birth from the Scriptures without any hyper-drama about how the church has been wrong all of these years. Don’t make a big public spectacle of your realization, just start teaching justification by new birth and the people won’t know anything is different other than things they haven’t heard before but make perfect biblical sense. And, the revival that WILL happen because the Spirit only uses truth to sanctify…period, end of sentence.

Oh, and by the way, the who’s who of evangelicalism themselves state unequivocally that the church is in the middle of a “resurgence” that is returning the church to the true gospel. Their words, NOT mine! Unfortunately, the so-called errant gospel they speak of was much closer to the truth than the present-day return to authentic Protestantism. In a recent article by THE Albert Mohler himself, he states that the present-day resurgence (think about the implications; what’s a resurgence?) is in the midst of a collapse. Yes, a collapsing resurgence. Again, HIS words, NOT mine!

Dear pastors, umpteen years later, there is debate about what the gospel is among the top scholars. This should trouble you and set you on your own journey for the truth. A belief that Protestants are not susceptible to mass deception like ALL other religions and cultures of the world just because you are a Protestant might be a little arrogant.

When it is all said and done, a tree is known by its fruit…period.

Now to the main point. What is the new birth? Here is the crux: true Christians are not merely “declared righteous,” THEY ARE RIGHTEOUS…as a state of being. Secondly, justification is NOT a “legal declaration,” it is the believer’s state of being. Please note: while Protestants deny justification by law, they define justification as a “legal declaration.” Excuse me? Confused much?

David, in your above statement, you make your “own” characteristics something different than God’s characteristics that are infused into the true believer by the baptism of the Spirit upon salvation’s new birth. You make a dichotomy between what is truly YOU (“my own”) and the literal new creaturehood of the born-again believer. Hence, the so-called “believer” remains fundamentally unchanged (a “sinner [the biblical definition of the unregenerate] saved by grace”) in characteristics and only experiences God’s characteristics when obtained by some church ritual or prayer. It’s a denial that a person’s true state of being is transformed by the new birth.

And why must this be denied? Because no person can keep the law perfectly. But wait a minute, I thought true believers are not “under law”? Then someone says, “Oh, but we aren’t, Jesus kept the law perfectly for us.” Question: how is that a righteousness “APART from the law”? The point is NOT who keeps the law, the point is the law period. And, “under grace” doesn’t mean we are not under a law, the question is, what law? We will get to that shortly. The new birth changes our relationship to the law while Protestantism has a singular perspective on law and sin. More on this later.

But David, not only do you deny the infusion of God’s character into the believer and God’s character being your very own character as his child just like any other birth whether natural or supernatural, your statements deny the new birth as a onetime finished work. Your mind is not transformed into the very mind of Christ, or the regenerate mind described in Ephesians and Romans 7, your mind is “chaos” and your state of being is “ashes.” Your state of being, as you describe it, is “completely lost.” Unlike any other gift, the gift of salvation is not something we own once given to us, it is only a gift that enables us to see the depths of our sinfulness lest we have a “righteousness of our own.” Hence, we ONLY EXPERIENCE God’s righteousness through some church ritual or prayer. Christians are not able to actually do good works because we are “chaos,” “ashes,” and “completely lost,” but can only “hear” about who our Father is via a “still small voice.” Listening to God’s voice in our totally depraved minds keeps us saved lest we have a “righteousness of our own” and fall short of God’s glory and thus falling from grace. Obviously, our unchanged state of being would require an ongoing covering for salvation through faithfulness to a “church covenant.”

This, in fact, is Protestant orthodoxy…and we wonder why churches are so messed up. But it gets worse; there is more bad news and not good news.

If there is only one perspective on the law; if there is only one use of the law by the Spirit, there is no way I can know whether or not my obedience to the law is an attempt to justify myself or purely from love. Therefore, every act of love we do must entail doubt, suspension of motives, and morbid introspection. This is why many Christians, when they do an act of love, deny they did it, but say God did it. Do we not hear this in the church constantly? Pray tell, why is there a problem with us actually doing the good work as a result of being God’s child? When Hannah does a good work, does she tell everyone that she didn’t do it but that you really did it lest she have a righteousness of her own, or is the child’s character a glory to the parent because the child is the offspring?

The point here follows: the new birth changes the believer’s relationship to the law. In the baptism of the Spirit, the old self, what you call, “my own,” literally dies with Christ. According to you, “my own” is still alive, under law, and gets in the way of letting God do everything Himself lest we have a “righteousness of our own.” In fact, the one who died with Christ is no longer under “the law of sin and death.” However, it sure sounds like you are because you are “ashes,” “completely lost,” “full of pride,” full of “fear” which has to do with condemnation and judgement, and so forth. This is exactly how the Bible describes someone under law. But, this is also a popular description of Christians in our day. Mark Hall, lead singer of one of the most popular Christian music bands of all time, boasts that the church is a “total train wreck.” Yet, the demise of the church brings angst? Again, confused much?

The Bible is clear: where there is no law, there is no sin. I didn’t say it, the Spirit did, take it up with Him! Christ didn’t die to cover sin because we are still under law, HE DIED TO END SIN. Say that we sin if you will, that’s fine, but we cannot be condemned by it; fear has to do with condemnation. There is no law to judge us. Fear has to do with judgement.

This doesn’t mean that we are under no other law; it means that we are now sanctified by the Bible, and that it’s our guide for loving God and others. Our sin is not against the law that can condemn, it is a failure to love God and His family. This can bring loving chastisement from the Father for those who just don’t get it, but not condemnation. This explains Romans 8:1,2. What does this mean? It means that we never have to question our motives if we know there is no law to condemn us. It means that we deem it impossible to please God by obeying the law of sin and death because that law has no jurisdiction over us. All that is left is the “law of the Spirit of life” (Romans 8:2) that informs “faith working through love” (Galatians 5:6).

Here is the huge problem: if there is only one law, or one use/single perspective on the Bible which is the standard for justification, then all valid love would have to be defined as perfect law-keeping. This circumvents the ability of any person lost or saved to perform any valid love. This is, in fact, the stated position of Protestant orthodoxy.

To the contrary, justification by new birth allows the believer to love aggressively with no fear of condemnation. And if the focus is love—you can’t sin while you are loving anyway. We don’t ask, “Did you sin today?” We ask, “Did you love today?”

The whole problem with church is its theological position that all love must be performed by God through us as we partake in faith-alone passive rituals. Hence, God is loving Himself through us as we live according to a faith alone Old Covenant Sabbath. This alone explains why the church is a train wreck, and frankly, proud of it.

So David, you want to deny that the church is under law? In our meeting with that sorry excuse for a pastor in New Lebanon, the bottom line is that God is only glorified by the keeping of covenants. That’s what he said. What’s a covenant? Yes, regardless of anything going on, even if a husband is waterboarding his wife, come hell or high water, God will only be pleased with the maintaining of the marriage covenant. For all practical purposes, that’s what he clearly stated.

Of course, with any under law mentality, authority and hierarchy is central rather than love—love is defined by obeying whatever any given authority says the Bible says. The meeting was saturated with an authority mindset. That comes from under law soteriology.

For too many years Heather has only received love from God and not you…BY YOUR OWN ADMISSION! In fact, by your own testimony, the only problem with the marriage right now is that you have attempted to love her with your “own” love! Furthermore, your inability to see her as an equal is an hourly revelation. In effect, and for all practical purposes, she is a runaway slave in your mind. Because you do not have slave ownership laws at your disposal like the Puritans did, you will endeavor to rein her back in through other means…and over my dead body. Neither am I much amused by the assertion that she has left the “protective umbrella of the church.”

Again, no pastor who may see the light on this has to make a big drama event of it. Just start teaching justification by new birth and see what the Spirit starts doing as the congregation colabors with Him. Andy Young and I have invited pastors on numerous occasions to fellowship with us and be challenged by this gospel perspective. What is there to lose as the debate regarding a definitive definition of the gospel rages among evangelical scholars?


5 Responses

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  1. John said, on May 27, 2018 at 7:09 PM

    Okay, I don’t know who Heather and David are. But, Paul, you’ve “hit” him with your truth stick…click, click, click. And rightly so. The time will come when pastors will ask your advice, because, right now, those you have invited are way beyond and deep into indoctrination and will probably only show up if the liar MacArthur or his funny wingman, Johnson, is present to help them speak when dumbness strikes.

    Let’s be straight now, and firm, and loving. I’m with your stance. But I have a rhythm stick, and it goes click, click, click. And a man who had polio was the artist. Maybe it’s time we start ‘hitting’…but in a nonaggressive, non-life-threatening manner. What I mean is it’s time to speak up and out. Wherever we are (as the song suggests). I’m not altogether sure what he means with rhythm stick, or maybe I am and don’t want to bring it up. I like the wideness of it, blah.

    So, hit them with your rhythm (truth) stick . . . click, click, click.


  2. Paul M. Dohse Sr. said, on May 27, 2018 at 9:51 PM

    Thanks for this John, and they are my son-in-law and daughter.


  3. lydia00 said, on May 31, 2018 at 5:43 PM

    Al Mohler is one reason why a big segment of churches are a disaster. They are changing their focus from Calvin to Social justice warring. (Even so far as his minion Russ Moore vying for Fed/UN dollars as is funneled to the Catholics and Lutherans.) As Calvinist movements have done since the Reformation. The Puritans became universalists. They are doing this because they are in big trouble and they need new recruits and money to stay in power.


    • Paul M. Dohse Sr. said, on May 31, 2018 at 6:43 PM

      Yep, I can only imagine the infrastructure they have to keep afloat.


  4. lydia00 said, on May 31, 2018 at 6:09 PM

    Paul, I have been out of the “Institute” for years but yet it’s all around me on blogs, community, old friends, etc. I can literally feel the mass confusion going on. People are just going through the motions but are extremely disgusted with church. Some church hop, falling in love and selling it as better but don’t realize it’s the same stuff. They just haven’t been there long enough to figure that out. Only now are some willing to even hint about it. They don’t know why. And I don’t know why it’s coming to a head. It could be the culture has so infected it with social justice hatred or Protestant/Calvinism exhausted them. Not sure. But people are disgusted and frustrated. I think they need a downtime from it all. Go back to the very basics or a reprogramming or something. One big thing is they need to understand Jesus is their leader and authority. The whole cult of personality guru focus has been a disaster.

    The only people who seem satisfied are the ones making a living from it. And they seem perpetually frustrated with the people who pay their salary. It’s kind of bizarre. Living at ground zero during the Neo Cal resurgence Over the years I’ve seen enough young rabid followers become atheist even from the young pastor category to really shock me.

    You nailed it with good fruit. It’s not complicated just not easy. JUst the thought of attending church disgusts me. .


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